Wednesday, 10 September 2008

For any Americans out there...

The US elections are creeping up on us fast, with the voters of that great nation about to make a monumental decision that will not only shape their own future, but also that of the entire planet. As a concerned "World Citizen", I'm hoping they make the right choice.

The choice by John McCain to nominate Sarah Palin as his running-mate surprised me, mainly because I'd never heard of her. I duly did some research. I was impressed at her acceptance of her daughter's out-of-wedlock pregnancy. Pretty progressive, for a Republican. She's a woman. She's relatively young. She seemed smart. Could this finally be the election where debate moves away from psychotic religious extremism and actually focuses on real issues like the war on terror and the economy, rather than on a vague "culture war" and divisive "bleeding-hearted, terrorist-loving liberal commies versus true patriotic Americans"-style debate?

Sadly, the answer is no. By selecting Sarah Palin as potential future vice-president, McCain is doing just that: aiming for a simplistic divisiveness that will see Republicans appealing to Americans' sense of "moral values", patriotism and religious zeal, rather than actually debate the true issues that will ACTUALLY determine whether America stands as a true leader of the free world, or as an insular, narrow-minded bully determined to impose its lowbrow world-view on the rest of us.

Y'see, this is the real Sarah Palin: And she's one scary lady!

And here's the deal: she could quite reasonably find herself as President. After all, McCain is old, a cancer survivor. So, what if, should he be elected, he makes an unexpected early exit (certainly not something I would wish of anyone)? We could end up with Palin, a religious, moral and political extremist (if she was European, we would call her at best a nationalist, at worst a fascist) running the most powerful country in the world... Now there's a sobering thought.

So, I do urge any Americans out there to really think about what the Huffington Post's journalist is exposing in the above article. America is a beautiful, magnificent country. It needs a leader that mirrors that.

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